First-time Organizational Applicants

Prior to applying

All applicants should read through the entire web site to familiarize themselves with the eligibility requirements, guidelines, and interests of the Joseph Robert Foundation. You should only apply if your proposal appears to be a good fit and falls within the stated mission and parameters of the Foundation.


Please fill out the application below, making sure to completely answer each question. The applications will be judged by their ability to communicate the purpose of the requested funding, their success in creating a full picture of the organization, and the overall professionalism of the application itself. Make sure to read all the instructions closely. All requested budgetary information must be included or the application will be rejected as incomplete.

Please note that organizations that do not have their own 501 (c) (3) designation may apply through a fiscal sponsor. In that situation, they should provide the name, EIN, and address of the parent organization in the designated boxes on the form.

Application - Organizations

If you have any question about the applications, please email: