
Environment and Sustainable Resources Management

With ever increasing attacks on the environment and environmental protection, it is critically important to protect and preserve our natural resources, open lands, forests, oceans, waterways, watersheds, and green spaces. The Joseph Robert Foundation is primarily interested in supporting smaller, local organizations that can have a direct impact on their communities, whether through education or through sustainability projects or programs.  We may also be interested in contributing to organizations with budgets slightly above $300,000 that provide essential services in or impacting the Mid-Atlantic region to protect and safeguard the environment from threats of all natures. We do not fund academic/research institutions.


  • We provide program, research, training and education, and general operating support to environmental organizations that promote sustainable resources management and innovative solutions to environmental problems.

  • We support programs and projects that work to protect the environment by addressing climate change, pollution, and the use of land and water resources.

  • We support community-based educational environmental initiatives, as well as community-based projects that enhance the quality of urban life through the development of parks and other environmental endeavors.